Jamul Tribal Gaming Commission
Our Mission Statement
The Jamul Tribal Commission is an entity of the Jamul Tribal Community that is independent of the operations of gaming activities allowed within the Jamul Indian Village boundaries.
The Commission shall preserve and protect the integrity of the Jamul Indian Village gaming operations and administration by ensuring security, honesty, fairness and all contributory gaming activities.
The commission shall adopt and enforce all applicable gaming laws and internal controls ensuring that patrons, employees and the Jamul Indian Village is protected from all corrupting influences.
Who We Are
The Jamul Gaming Commission is charged with regulating the Casino, including licensing all Casino employees and certain vendors. We do not work for the Casino and are a separate entity.
What We Do
We determine suitability of applicants to a hold a Gaming License. Suitability to hold a Gaming License is a requirement within the Federal (NIGC), State (Compact), and Tribal (Ordinance/Regulations).
Phone: 619-303-9339
Fax: 619-303-2944
To Report Fraud or Theft, email: JTGCFRAUDREPORT@jamulindianvillage.com